Are you looking for good-paying jobs as a 16-year-old? Or are you a parent to a 16 years old teenager at home who is getting bored and looking for something to do?

Finding a job can be difficult, but it’s even more so as a teenager. There are plenty of opportunities out there for teens looking to earn money while still in school, and the internet is full of them!

Many online jobs cater specifically to teenagers. Whether your teen wants to work from their bedroom, we’ve got them covered!

The best online jobs for teens are those that offer a flexible schedule, allow them to work from home, and do not require any previous experience.

In this blog post, we will share with you 11 sites that offer jobs for teens. From babysitting to modeling gigs – these sites have something for everyone!

What can we consider Good pay for 16-year-olds?

The average income for a 16-19-year-old in the United States is $410, roughly $10.50 per hour. A job’s salary must be greater than the national average to be called good.

Most 16-year-olds would consider anything paying $11 or more per hour decent pay, but there are variations.

Some of these variables include location in the United States (for example, California vs. Michigan) and area (urban vs. rural).

California, for example, has a minimum wage of $11.00, whereas Michigan has a minimum pay of $9.25. You now know how much some of the positions pay.

Here are 9 of the best and good paying jobs for 16-year-olds you can start today:

9 Best and Good Paying Jobs for 16 year olds

1. Get Paid For Reviewing Songs

You can make money as a teen by reviewing songs from up-and-coming artists. This is a great way to help out musicians with emerging careers and get paid for it!

Websites like Slice The Pie pay people to review songs, commercials, clothes, and more. Your opinion helps brands shape their products before they go live.

The site pays you depending on the quality of your submission with a rating system that ranges from one star to five stars for reviews at three levels: low-quality ($0), medium-quality ( $1-$5), or high-quality (more than four stars).

You’ll receive payment through a PayPal account – but can only cash out when it reaches ten dollars!

2. Become an Online Tutor

Online tutor - good paying jobs for 16 year olds
Online tutor -good paying jobs for 16-year-olds

Are you good at specific Subjects in school? Do you enjoy helping others learn? If so, some companies will hire online tutors. Some hire people as young as 15 or 16 years old.

SameSpeak hires teens to teach English. You need to have English as a first language to work there because it helps students acquire the natural speaking fluency of native speakers in their second language quickly and easily while learning vocabulary through conversation practice with other learners around the world using Skype video chat (a free service).

Tutors earn $10 for every half hour they spend teaching!

Minimum Age Requirement: 16 years old

SkimaTalk is a company that hires young tutors to help people learn natural English conversation using their personal experiences.

Many of the tutors are teenagers between 16-18 years old, so they can understand how teenagers think better than an older person who has only interacted with them in school or work settings.

Though not as good as SameSpeak’s rate of remuneration, the pay for these teenage teachers does come with the perk of being able to work from anywhere and be your own boss.

3. Pet Care

Pet care- Online jobs for teens
Pet care- Online jobs for teenagers

Are you an animal lover and you love walking dogs? If so, then why not start a business caring for pets while the owner is away?

You can work on your hours and there are many ways to get started. One advantage is that pet-sitting positions do not require prior experience.

For example, if you’re over 16 years old, sign up with sites like or create an account when under age (with parental supervision) on Facebook or Craigslist.

This type of job flexibility might be perfect for working parents who also want freedom in their schedule!

Do you enjoy taking care of animals? If so, advertise your services in local ads or Facebook groups, or put brochures in mailboxes across your area!

You’ll be amazed how much money people are prepared to spend on a reliable dog walker!

What you’d make: The median pay for an animal care worker is $13.67 per hour.

4. Start a Blog


Starting your own blog is something I constantly encourage students to do since they are an excellent opportunity to develop in-demand skills, improve their communication skills, and grow their network.

However, starting a blog doesn’t guarantee easy money. In reality, there is no assurance of monetary compensation.

You would be surprised how much you gain from blogging. Website hosting, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content creation, social media marketing… the list is endless.

Operating a blog is similar to operating a business, and these skills are more important than money to a teenager.

Once your blog begins to receive visitors, there are a variety of methods to monetize it. For example, affiliate marketing and showing advertisements through Google Adsense are the two most viable options.

5. Lifeguard

To become a certified lifeguard, you need to be at least 15 years old, according to the American Red Cross.

One of the most lucrative jobs for 15-year-olds, and as a 16-year-old, you can earn a decent salary doing something you enjoy.

As a lifeguard, you should be an excellent swimmer and spend the majority of your time at the pool to ensure the safety of everyone else.

Lifeguards in the United States make an average of $11.63 per hour, according to Zippia. Lifeguards who make more than $18 an hour are the most highly paid.

6. Daycare assistant

For 16-year-olds, this is one of the most lucrative jobs, paying up to $15 an hour.

Among your responsibilities will be supervising children, enabling effective playtime, preparing meals, and coordinating feeding times and snacks for the youngsters.

While many states do not require a high school diploma to work as a daycare assistant, having one will improve your job prospects.

Jobs as a daycare assistant can be found in a variety of places, including daycare centers, religious institutions, and even private homes.

Teens who have a genuine affection for children and enjoy spending time with them will thrive in this job.

7. Swim Instructor or Coach

The American Red Cross requires that participants be at least 16 years old to take Basic Swim Instructor and Water Safety Instructor programs.

This implies that you can enroll in the certification course while you are still 15 years old, but you must be 16 after the program to be certified.

Some of your responsibilities as a swim coach will include instructing others on proper swimming techniques including diving, breathing, and different swimming strokes.

There aren’t many high-paying jobs for 16-year-olds, but this one comes close, with an average hourly income of $19.21.

8. Referee in youth sports

Youth sports refereeing is another exciting employment for 16-year-olds. In a youth league, you’ll be in charge of supervising games between high school sports teams.

Your job is to ensure that every participant adheres to the game’s regulations, awarding fouls and penalties as required. You will also make other appropriate game calls.

Refereeing youth league games may earn you $20 to $50 each game while officiating high school games can earn you $50 to $100 per game.

If you love sport this is definitely one of the best and good paying jobs for 16-year-olds

9. Golf Caddy

It is a caddy’s job to assist golfers by doing such things as carrying their bags and cleaning their golf balls and pins.

They also operate and maintain the golf cart fleet as well as measuring distances and holding a flag. Golfers can get club usage tips from their caddies who have a lot of experience.

If you’re a golf enthusiast, working as a caddy is a great way to make money doing something you enjoy. Teenage caddies make an average of $16 an hour, but the highest-paid make over $34 an hour.

After high school, if you decide to become a full-time caddy, you could earn tens of thousands of dollars.

Here Are Some Tips on How to Get a Job When You’re Only 16 years old.

Getting a job is something many teens desire to do, whether to help support their families or have some extra spending money. However, figuring out how to do so isn’t always straightforward.

In addition, the lack of a college degree and more than likely, any prior work experience make finding a job very hard.

Despite this, teenagers as young as 16 might discover inventive methods to land their first employment, even if they lack experience.

To achieve this, you need to be aware of the age constraints, have a résumé, use contacts you have, create your job, look for internet chances, and prepare for an interview.

1. Consider Age Regulations:

Make sure you’re eligible to work before you start looking for work. Some state and federal laws require a specific age to work, while others restrict certain jobs for teenagers.

Find out whether your state has any laws against working. Ask your school if they need any documents from you.

2. Make use of your connections.

The most crucial — and most difficult — skill a job seeker can master is how to ask for one. Do not keep your job hunt a secret from anyone.

Ask people if they know of any good possibilities currently. Adults such as your parents, relatives, uncles, teachers, guidance counselors, and clergy can be beneficial in obtaining casual work such as babysitting and lawn maintenance.

There is also the potential that you know people working in places that might recruit teenagers for assistant positions such as filing or cleaning.

If someone says they will look into something for you after you ask, be sure to check back in with them later for feedback.

3. Don’t hesitate to Volunteer.

Starting by volunteering may be a terrific method to gain work experience skills that will help you land a job. Because of the time and effort you’ve put in over the years, you may have built up enough rapport with the people you’re volunteering with that you may move into salaried positions.
As a volunteer, you’ll have an advantage over other applicants since you’ve previously been exposed to the company or organization’s atmosphere and objectives.

4. Be Open-Minded and Don’t be afraid to take advantage of what’s out there.

There are still a lot of wonderful prospects, although your age may limit your work options.

Most businesses such as restaurants, retail establishments, and agricultural and labor sectors are open to hiring younger workers.

Even if these occupations aren’t your favorite, don’t turn them down.

It probably won’t be your long-term career, so be prepared for a job that you may not enjoy to make some money and obtain work experience at an early age.

Pro Tip: Keep your options open and don’t restrict yourself to what you believe teenagers can get a career in. If you are truly interested in finance or business and believe you would love to work at a bank, visit several institutions and inquire about open positions. The worst-case scenario is that someone declines to hire you, but you may end up with something unexpected.

Final Remarks

In the end, I think your adolescence and teenage years should be a time when you focus on personal growth, new skills and happiness.

You have the rest of your life to work with, and there is undeniable value in being a carefree child.

If, on the other hand, you are the sort of person who has an entrepreneurial mind, it is a good idea to satiate this urge with fresh side hustle ideas or challenges.

Hopefully, some of the suggestions in this post about good-paying jobs for 16-year-olds or other money-making opportunities for teenagers will point you in the right direction!

And in whatever you do, keep in mind that perseverance and hard work is always the key!

You may not begin earning money immediately, but you will eventually arrive at a destination you never imagined was attainable if you continue to take the appropriate steps.

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